2022 Summit - Promoting PA in Dog-Lovers
2022 Summit - Promoting PA in Dog-Lovers

Promoting Physical Activity in Dog-Loving Clients: Behavior Change, Business and the Human-Animal Bond


Presented by Katie Potter and Kristin Massey

Description: This session focuses on a timely topic: leveraging the dog-owner bond to promote physical activity. With dogs residing in an estimated 46% of US households and the recent ‘pandemic puppy’ surge, it is likely you have a client (or many clients) who are dog owners. This presentation will offer the opportunity to explore how dogs can facilitate physical activity participation and learn how incorporating dog-facilitated physical activity into your work could potentially enhance business and optimize both human and companion animal health.

Content: This course includes an online video and a corresponding online quiz.

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ACSM does not allow substitutions, refunds or credits for this course.  

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Membership Discount: Join ACSM and save up to 50% on CEC quizzes by contacting our membership department at membership@acsm.org.  Membership dues updates may take a minimum of 24 hrs. to be reflected in your account. 

Discounted member price: 15.00
You could save 50.0%

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