ACSM's 2021 International Health & Fitness Summit CEC Course: Removing the Fear of Injury or Reinjury: Steps to Create a Safety Culture / 3 ACSM CECs
By: JoAnn Eickhoff-Shemek
The CDC (2020) lists the fear of injury as a major barrier to physical activity. The CDC also has reported that injuries are a leading reason why people stop participating in physical activity. There has been a significant increase in the number of exercise/exercise injuries in recent years based on the NEISS that tracks the causes of injuries from hospital emergency room visits. To reduce the number of injuries and to address the fear of injury or reinjury, there is a need for fitness managers and exercise professionals to focus on creating a safety culture.
This course includes an online webinar from ACSM’s Virtual International Health & Fitness Summit and a corresponding online quiz.
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To earn your CECs, you will view the course content, pass the quiz (you must earn 70% or better to pass), and print your certificate of completion.
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