ACSM's 2020 International Health & Fitness Virtual Summit Video CEC: Tradeoffs of Paleo, Gluten-Free, and Vegan Diets for Active Individuals
By Lynn Cialdella-Kam, Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Purpose: Athletes and Recreationally Active Individuals often chose to follow diets such as Paleo, Gluten Free, or Vegan Diets for perceived health and athletic performance benefits. However, improper implementation of these diets can put an individual at risk for musculoskeletal injuries, hormonal imbalance, menstrual dysfunction, and immune suppression. In addition, confusion exist regarding the true pros and cons of these diets.
Learning Objectives
1. Provide an overview on the motivations for following diets that eliminate foods or food groups and key nutritional and health concerns for the active individual.
2. Describe the basis and foods excluded for three diets (Paleo, Gluten Free, and Vegan Diets)
3. Illustrate sample menu for each diet and compare dietary composition to recommended intake based on sports nutrition guidelines
4. Describe the potential impact of these high protein and/or fiber diets on musculoskeletal, hormonal, menstrual, and immune health.
5. Summarize nutritional concerns for each diets and some tools and strategies to address these.
This course includes an online webinar from ACSM’s Health & Fitness Virtual Summit and a corresponding online quiz.
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Available Course Credits
ACSM 3.00
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