2024 Summit | Just Start 1:1 Virtual Personal Training
2024 Summit | Just Start 1:1 Virtual Personal Training

Just Start 1:1 Virtual Personal Training for Profit


Presented by Irene McCormick

Now is the time to upskill your current wellness offerings and add an additional income stream by going virtual! Virtual 1:1 personal training is relatively easy to start, and a convenient way for you to reach a largely untapped market - at-home exercisers. Meeting the evolving needs of today’s fitness community means exploring a larger landscape, but also finding a niche the fitness pro can grow in. Offering digital services using today’s technology requires some education and training, but it’s easier than you think. A small investment can grow your brand recognition today and yield greater financial results tomorrow.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Offering virtual fitness sessions requires education and training which this session will cover by sharing best practices for client search, cost, equipment must-haves, and avoiding common mistakes that are simple to correct.
  2. Using social media for the purpose of finding your "avatar" is important to master based on your desired client base, so identifying the right channel is important.
  3. It takes more than a nice smile and good exercise design to meet the needs of an "at home" exerciser. We'll discuss overcoming equipment issues, using what is available and meeting your clients' needs in your program design.
  4. Training live is very different than virtual experiences. Let's explore the do's and don'ts of virtual training for success.

This course includes an online video, PowerPoints and a corresponding online quiz.

All course content will be presented to you electronically upon completion of your purchase. This includes the video files, quizzes and certificates (certificates awarded upon successful completion of the quiz).

Learners must complete this course within 365 days from the date of purchase.  ACSM will not offer refunds, transfers, or course credits for uncompleted courses prior to their expiration date.

ACSM does not allow substitutions, refunds or credits for this course.  

For questions related to your online CEC courses or purchases, email onlinelearning@acsm.org

Membership Discount 

Join ACSM and save 50% on CEC quizzes by contacting our membership department at membership@acsm.org.  Membership dues updates may take a minimum of 24 hrs. to be reflected in your account. 

Don’t get charged for the same course more than once! Bundles may contain courses you’ve already purchased, and an individual course you’re considering purchasing may be included with a bundle you’ve already paid for. Be sure to carefully compare the contents of each course and course bundle as the system will not prevent you from making duplicate purchases.

Discounted member price: 15.00
You could save: 50.0%