Picture of the product2024 ExSci Careers Explored Webinar Series

4.0 CECs

This new webinar series is designed specifically with students in mind. We will explore and identify future career options and then help students build a professional path with the help of outstanding panels of leaders with varied professions and backgrounds.

Identifying Industry Jobs


Lauren Friman

Monique Budd, Med

William Adams, PhD, ATC, FACSM

Ed Nyman, PhD


Identifying Sports Performance Jobs


Khalil Lee, PhD

Stacy Gnacinski, PhD


Identifying Clinical Exercise Physiologist Jobs


Sandy Knecht, MS, CEP

Sadie Engelken, MS, ACSM-CEP, CCES


Identifying Physician Jobs


Robert Lutz, MD



All course content will be presented to you electronically after your purchase. To earn your CECs, you must view the course content and pass the quiz (earning a 70% or better).

This course expires one year (365 days) from the date of purchase. All course content must be completed prior to the expiration date. ACSM will not offer refunds, transfers or course credits for uncompleted courses prior to their expiration date, or for duplicate purchases. ACSM does not allow substitutions, refunds or credits for this course.

For questions related to your online CEC courses or purchases, email onlinelearning@acsm.org.

Regular price: 60.00
Discounted member price: 0.00

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Picture of the productRathbone/Drinkwater Breakfast Donation
Please enter the amount you wish to donate towards the Josephine L. Rathbone & Barbara L. Drinkwater Memorial Breakfast Honoring Women in Leadership.

You must log-in to change the donation amount.

Regular price: 0.00

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Picture of the product2023 Fitness Industry Compensation Trends Report
IDEA and ACSM joined forces to present data on current wages in the fitness industry as well as information on benefits and hiring and promotion criteria.  The survey data can be used to position your company or yourself competitively within our growing industry.

Regular price: 50.00
Discounted member price: 0.00

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Picture of the productAnnual Meeting 2022 | Keynote and Featured Lectures | Videos

0 CECs

This collection of lectures includes the Keynotes and Named Lecture videos from this year's conference. 

  • John R. Sutton Clinical Lecture | The Return to Play Decision - Beyond the Science
  • Elsworth R. Buskirk Tutorial Lecture | Dr. Elsworth R. Buskirk: A Life and Legacy of Excellence
  • Priscilla M. Clarkson Tutorial Lecture | Exercise and Circadian Clocks: Partners in Health
  • Joseph B. Wolffe Memorial Lecture | The ABCs of Movement in Early Childhood: Building Blocks for Lifetime Physical Activity
  • B. Dill Historical Lecture | 50 Years of Title IX: View through the Eyes of Athlete turned Orthopedic Surgeon
  • Integrative Plenary Lecture | Team-Based Approach to Treating an Injured Athlete: Integrating Basic Science, Clinical Care and Coaching to Successfully Return an Injured Athlete to Competition
  • President's Lecture | Bone Marrow Blood Vessels: The Potential Link between Age-related Cardiovascular and Bone Disease
  • President's Lecture | Determinants of Energy Balance in Humans
  • President's Lecture | Salt and Cardiovascular Health: Does Physical Activity Change the Rules?
  • President's Lecture | The Cutaneous Circulation in Exercise, Health and Disease
  • Morris/Paffenbarger EIM Keynote Lecture | The Science of Behavior Change to Promote Physical Activity and Address Health Disparities
  • Basic Science World Congress – Keynote | The Birds and the Bees of Vascular Aging

Viewpoints presented in these videos reflect opinions of the presenters and do not reflect positions or policies of ACSM.

This course bundle includes online videos from ACSM’s 2022 Annual Meeting.

All course content will be presented to you electronically upon completion of your purchase. This includes all videos.

Access to this content is available for 1 year (365 days) from the date of purchase.

Refunds and course substitutions will not be allowed for this bundle.  

For questions related to your online purchases, please email  onlinelearning@acsm.org 

Membership Discount 

Join ACSM and save 50% on CEC quizzes by contacting our membership department at membership@acsm.org.  Membership dues updates may take a minimum of 24 hrs. to be reflected in your account. 


Care has been taken to confirm the accuracy of the information present and describe generally accepted practices. ACSM expressly disclaims all liability for damages or injury of any kind arising out of information contained in this content.

Regular price: 200.00
Discounted member price: 0.00

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Picture of the productWellCoaches: Foundational Behaviors - Exercise Professionals

WellCoaches: Foundational Behaviors for the Exercise Professional

Course Description:

Discover how to cultivate connection with your clients by enhancing your presence. Your presence, through the essential skills of connection and communication, is a non-negotiable for clients to connect to the relationship with you and to achieving their goals. You communicate with clients not only through what you do with them but also through how you be with them. Learn the practical skills of both in this foundational lesson.

Viewpoints presented in this webinar reflect opinions of the presenter and Wellcoaches and do not reflect positions or policies of ACSM.

Learning Objectives:

  1. List the differences between the expert approach and the coach approach.
  2. Name ways to mindfully prepare for a conversation. 
  3. Identify strategies for reflections and their impact. 
  4. Describe open-ended inquiry and its purpose. 
  5. Discuss how to provide information in a coach-like manner. 

Presenter Michael Scholtz Bio:

Michael is co-author of the successful Rodale book: Coach Yourself Thin, certified by the American College of Sports Medicine, American Council on Exercise, National Strength and Conditioning Association, and USA Track and Field. He worked at the Duke University Diet and Fitness Center from 1991 to 2001, including 3 years as fitness director. Michael co-founded NOVO Wellness in 2001 and has since helped thousands lose weight and keep it off through NOVO programs and consulting services.


This course includes an online video from an ACSM Industry Partner along with PowerPoint slides and a corresponding online quiz.

All course content will be presented to you electronically upon completion of your purchase. This includes all videos, quizzes, and certificates (certificates awarded upon successful completion of the quizzes).

No substitutions will be allowed for this CEC course.

For questions related to your online CEC courses or purchases, please email onlinelearning@acsm.org.

Available Course Credits

ACSM 1.00

Course Procedure

Add this course to your cart.

You have the option to continue shopping or to proceed to checkout.

Be sure you are signed in and submit your order.

Once your transaction is complete, you will receive an email confirmation with directions for accessing your course.

To earn your CEC, you will view the course content, pass the self-test (you must earn 70% or better to pass), and print your certificate of completion.

Please note, do not change the quantity (below) for your transaction.  It must remain at 1. Multiple courses cannot be purchased. Courses are not able to be assigned to anyone other than the account holder.   


Regular price: 20.00
Discounted member price: 0.00

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Picture of the product2020 Summit - Bonus Content

Regular price: 0.00

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Picture of the product2019 Summit - Bonus Content

ACSM's 2019 International Health & Fitness Summit CEC Bonus Content


Includes the following sessions:

Featured Lecture: Making the Move: Connecting the Science and Application of Physical Activity

Workout: Rhythm and Grooves

Group Saturday Workout

Workout: LES MILLS GRIT? Cardio ? The Science-backed HIIT Workout

Workout: LaBlast Fitness

Workout: Foundational Skills for Athletic Development in All Ages

Friday Group Workout - LaBlast® Dance Fitness: A True HIIT

Keynote: The 6 Key Concepts that Will Absolutely Change the Way You Prescribe Exercise!

Hot Topic Panel: Who Should we be HIITing

Keynote: The Lore of Resistance Training: Bench Science, Bench Press Science, and Bro-science

Faculty Forum: The Penn State Model- Bringing Students to Summit

Larry Golding Keynote: EVERY Exercise Professional Should be Prepared to Work with Cancer Patients

5 on 5: Five Worksite Wellness Pros Share Their Best Programs!

Regular price: 0.00

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Picture of the product2021 Summit - Named Lectures and Keynotes

ACSM's 2021 International Health & Fitness Summit CEC Bonus Content

Includes the following bonus content (not eligible for CECs):

  • The Dr. Bortz Lecture: HIIT For Heart Failure Patients: Are You Crazy! 
  • Opening Keynote: The Curiously Elastic Limits of Endurance 
  • Larry Golding Keynote: Preventing Exertional Illness in Athletes and Warfighters 
  • ACSM President's Lecture: Breaking Barriers, Melting Silos and Discovering Pathways 


This bonus content includes a online webinars and recorded questions and answers from ACSM’s Virtual International Health & Fitness Summit.

All course content will be presented to you electronically upon completion of your purchase.

For questions related to your online CEC courses or purchases, please email onlinelearning@acsm.org.

Available Course Credits


Course Procedure

Add this course bundle to your cart.

Please note, do not change the quantity (below) for your transaction.  It must remain at 1. Multiple courses cannot be purchased. Courses are not able to be assigned to anyone other than the account holder. 

You have the option to continue shopping or to proceed to checkout.

Be sure you are signed in and submit your order. Once your transaction is complete, you will receive an email confirmation with directions for accessing your course.

To earn your CECs, you will view the course content, pass the quiz (you must earn 70% or better to pass), and print your certificate of completion.

Join ACSM and save 50% on these CEC quizzes by contacting our membership department at membership@acsm.org.


Care has been taken to confirm the accuracy of the information present and describe generally accepted practices. ACSM expressly disclaims all liability for damages or injury of any kind arising out of information contained in this content.

Regular price: 0.00

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Picture of the productACSM's 2021 Annual Meeting - Keynotes & President's Lectures

This collection of lectures includes the Keynotes and Named Lectures from this year's conference. 

  • 50 Years: Sports Medicine Team Physician and the Anterior Cruciate Ligament
    John Bergfeld, FACSM
  • Can we Delay the Progression of the Signs of Parkinson's Disease:The Dose-Response SPARX3 Clinical Trial
    Daniel Corcos and Marcas M. Bamman, FACSM
  • Culture and Physical Activity of Adults: The Need to Intertwine the Two
    David X. Marquez, FACSM
  • Effects of Exercise on Vascular Function: In Vivo and In Vitro Perspectives
    Michael D. Brown, FACSM
  • Exercise or Drugs: What is the Evidence
    John Ioannidis
  • Leadership Matters - An Outlier's Accidental Journey from Coach to PI to Chancellor
    Timothy P. White, FACSM
  • Merging Implementation Science and Health Equity Research to Eliminate Youth Physical Activity Disparities
    Rebecca E. Hasson, FACSM
  • Overcoming Disparities in Physical Activity: We Need to Dig Deeper
    Melicia C. Whitt-Glover, FACSM
  • Parks and Recreation: An Untapped Solution to Youth Obesity and Physical Activity Disparities
    Sarah Armstrong
  • To Drink or not to Drink: A Drop of Facts in an Ocean of Opinions
    Stavros A. Kavouras, FACSM

Viewpoints presented in these videos reflect opinions of the presenters and do not reflect positions or policies of ACSM.


This course includes online videos from ACSM’s 2021 Annual Meeting.

All course content will be presented to you electronically upon completion of your purchase. This includes all videos.

Access to this content is available for 1 year (365 days) from the date of purchase.

Refunds and course substitutions will not be allowed for this bundle.  

For questions related to your online purchases, please email  onlinelearning@acsm.org 

Available Course Credits


CECs are not awarded for viewing this content.

Course Procedure

Add this course bundle to your cart.

Please note, do not change the quantity (below) for your transaction.  It must remain at 1. Multiple courses cannot be purchased. Courses are not able to be assigned to anyone other than the account holder. 

You have the option to continue shopping or to proceed to checkout.

Be sure you are signed in and submit your order. Once your transaction is complete, you will receive an email confirmation with directions for accessing your course.

Join ACSM and save 100% on this professional development by contacting our membership department at membership@acsm.org.


Care has been taken to confirm the accuracy of the information present and describe generally accepted practices. ACSM expressly disclaims all liability for damages or injury of any kind arising out of information contained in this content.

Regular price: 150.00
Discounted member price: 0.00

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Picture of the product2024 Annual Meeting Online Programming Bundle

Regular price: 0.00

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