2024 ACSM Mid-Atlantic Chapter Annual Meeting

Once logged in, scroll to bottom of page to register. 

PRE- REGISTRATION RATES - (Available through October 28, 2024)
Pre-registration is available online only.  No mailed forms or payment are accepted. After October 28, 2024, only onsite registration will be available. 

Professional Pre-Registration Rates-
Before October 10, 2024
- Professional Member: $125
- Professional New Member (includes chapter membership): $160
- Non-Member Professional: $170

Between October 11, 2024 and October 28, 2024
- MARC Professional Member: $135
- MARC Professional New Member (includes chapter membership): $170
- Non-Member Professional: $180

Student Pre-Registration Rates-
Before October 10, 2024
- MARC Student Member: $65
- MARC Student New Member (includes chapter membership): $80
- Non-Member Student: $85

Between October 11, 2024 and October 28, 2024
- MARC Student Member: $75
- MARC Student New Member (includes chapter membership): $90
- Non-Member Student: $95


- MARC Professional Member: $175
- MARC Professional New Member (includes chapter membership): $210
- Non-Member Professional: $225
- MARC Student Member: $85
- MARC Student New Member (includes chapter membership): $100
- Non-Member Student: $115

National Membership Optional Add-On-
Individuals who are not currently members of national ACSM may add national ACSM Membership to their registration. This offer is only open to individuals who have not been members of ACSM National in the past. 
- ACSM National New Student Member Add-On: $30
- ACSM National New Professional Member Add-On: $260

Registering a Group - Due by October 7, 2024
If you need to register a group with a single form of payment, please contact meeting@acsm.org. All group registration information and payment info must be received by October 7, 2024 to be processed. Groups will pay the current registration fee at the time group information is submitted. 

MARC-ACSM Shirt Sales
The chapter is selling t-shirts and polo shirts while supplies last. Shirts can be purchased through a separate sales website. 

Current or Past Members of MARC-ACSM or ACSM
- Sign in to your MARC-ACSM or ACSM account. 
- Once signed in, click "Register Myself" button and then select preferred registration option.

ACSM Certified Professionals
- Sign in to your MARC-ACSM or ACSM account.
- Once signed in, click "Register Myself" button and then select preferred registration option.

Individuals Who Are Not Members of MARC-ACSM, ACSM, or Certified Through ACSM
- Click the "Create a New Account" link which can be found underneath the "Sign In" box to the right. 
- Once you have created a new account, click "Register Myself" button and then select preferred registration option.

Registering Someone Else
- If the individual has an MARC-ACSM or ACSM account, login as that individual. Once signed in, click "Register Myself" button and then select preferred registration option.
- If the individual does NOT have an MARC-ACSM or ACSM account, click the "Create a New Account" link. Enter name & complete information for the individual you are registering for the meeting. Once you have created a new account, click "Register Myself" button and then select preferred registration option.

Cancellation Policy-
All conference registration cancellations must be requested in writing. A 50% refund may be obtained up to 10 business days prior to the event. No refunds will be granted within 10 days of the meeting. Send cancellation requests to meeting@acsm.org

For questions related to registration and/or accessing your account, contact meeting@acsm.org


By registering for the meeting, you acknowledge and accept the following registration terms: 

  1. Reproductions or copying of data presented during the conference is strictly prohibited.  This includes photography and capturing content via phone/video or any other devices.
  2. I agree to hold harmless the Mid-Atlantic ACSM Regional Chapter, American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), conference presenters, sponsors and staff, from any and all liability arising out of workouts or activity sessions at this event.  This includes, but is not limited to:  muscle strains, tears, pulls, broken bones and illness or loss to my person or property.  I understand the risks involved in participation in interactive, strenuous activity and attest that I am in sound physical condition.  Your submission of this form acknowledges acceptance of these terms.
  3. Please notify MARC-ACSM at slorusso22@outlook.com as soon as possible. if you need special accommodations as a result of a disability.
  4. The planners and sponsors of this event claim no liability for the acts of any suppliers to this meeting, nor for the safety of any attendee at or while in transit to this event. The planners and sponsors reserve the right to cancel this event without penalty. Attendees who purchase non-refundable airline tickets, do so at their own risk. The total amount of any liability of the planners and sponsors will be limited to a refund of the registration fee. Your submission of this form acknowledges acceptance of these terms.
  5. Image/Likeness/Voice Release:  I understand and agree that, as a result of participating in ACSM's events, my image, likeness or voice may be recorded by photography, video or other medium.  I hereby grant irrevocable and unrestricted permission to ACSM and its representatives or assignees to use my image, likeness or performance in any medium and for any purpose.  I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve such use or materials.  Your submission of this form acknowledges acceptance of these terms.
  6. Non-Discrimination Policy:  ACSM's policy prohibits unlawful discrimination against any speakers and/or attendees based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, veterans and marital status, sexual orientation or any other factor prohibited by law. 
  7. Grievance Policy: As a membership organization, it is vital that we be responsive and sensitive to all of our constituents. Communication of any grievance is reported to the Mid-Atlantic ACSM Regional Chapter Executive Director at slorusso22@outlook.comfor resolution.
11/1/2024 - 11/2/2024
Lancaster, PA
Online registration not available.

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